About Me



I began fly fishing over 30 years ago on the Farmington River. I spent much of my formative years trying to learn on my own. Needless to say, most of that time was frustrating and unsuccessful. My passion for fly fishing along with determination and persistence kept me going. During those years I bought all of the most popular products that were marketed as the “latest” and “greatest”. I even experimented with every raved about method that was published, believing that it was the answer. I did progress as a fly fisher and became a little more successful at it, however I remained extremely frustrated and more often than not, unsuccessful!

Fortunately for me, I met Joe Humphreys years ago. I took several of his courses and clinics and began to realize that I needed to learn fly fishing all over. He instilled in me the importance of mastering the basics and fundamentals. He proved to me that the only way to truly obtain the joy and fulfillment that I was seeking was to focus on mastering the fundamentals. Over the years our friendship grew and he is now a dear friend. He has also been instrumental in shaping my life in more ways than just fishing. No words can describe my thanks and gratitude.

I met Stephen Skvarka and Carl Zandi who own and operate Kinzua Fly fishing School in Pennsylvania through Joe. Over many years, they have also become dear friends and changed my life as well. They have given me an opportunity to teach as an instructor for their school. Moreover, they made me realize that I want to continue to pass on the same traditions that Joe has instilled in us.

Like fishing, I taught myself how to tie flies and progressed in the same manner until I met Preston “Pat” Torrey. He has become a good friend, fishing buddy and more importantly, someone who encouraged me to start my business.

Undoubtedly, I have God to thank the most because He has set into motion the series of events that define what my life is today. He has blessed me with a wonderful life and family. Without them, I would not be able to pursue my passion to its fullest.